Today exactly 2 months ago I left home, the longest time since my South America trip in 2005. So what happened the last 3 weeks you might ask. Well... not much in the sense of going places but still things happened in these weeks which went by so quickly.
After the last post I mentioned that Hans and I were looking for a safer accommodation after the break-ins in the house we were living. The dean gave us a choice where we could stay; or back to Villa de Mer (living like rockstars in a huge house with fast internet, with swimmingpool but on 15 minutes walking distance from the campus and only 2 other fellow students in that house) or live on the campus and have a social life (on 2o meters from the lunch room with internet but with extreme thin walls) Our choice was easily made; campus here we come!
Life at the campus is not bad, we have more interacting with the south african students and breakfast on bed hasn't become a rare sight.
The computer literacy project I am working on is still going smoothly. Progress is definetly made and today and tomorrow we give the final test to our teachers, and then next week we can give them a diploma and we invite them for an internet workshop at the campus. The only drawback we have sometimes is that the teachers are very busy with marking the exams of their students so we had a few days that there were no teachers coming. But ''hey... TIA'' is a widely used expression here on the campus, which stands for This Is Africa.
Often in the weekends students make trips to other cities and beautiful locations but in the last 3 weekends I only went out the last weekend which I will describe in a new post later this week.
Life here in Port Alfred is not that bad; food is quite good, people are friendly and the parties are great. On the photosite you can see photos of the A-party (everybody dressed up like someone who starts with an A; like Amy Winehouse, Actionman, Atorney, As myself. I was dressed up as Aladdin recognisable with a lightbulb as a lamp.
And of the student awards with the Nerds & Nurses party afterwards. The student awards is an award show held every year where all the students can vote for who is the hottest guy/girl, best smile, best technician, best sitdown comedian, mattras award, biggest wannabe, so you think you can dance etc. In total 38 awards and almost everybody on campus was dressed up like a nerd or nurse. I got a nomination for best technician but didn't win it. The party afterwards was amazing. This was also the case with the Tug of War competition, a competition where teams pull a rope. Various teams from the campus participated but as I didn't want to risk my rib injury to become more serious I did not join. A strong men competition was held the same day where Hans participated in, Jason a student from our campus won the title for the second time.
Time flies here. Next week is our last week where we have to do our presentation and finish the manual and report and then I will drive with Hans to Cape Town, where I will buy a car.
There has been a change in plan for the next 2 months. My original plan was to travel with Jelke from South Africa to Kenya, but as he is not coming anymore I always had the plan to travel with my girlfriend Linda before our internship starts in september. Now she is coming 2 months earlier then planned, flying in on the 4th of july to Johannesburg. From there we will travel by car to Mozambique, Malawi, Zambia, Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya; I am so much looking forward to that especcially because I want to show Linda what travelling really is.
For more photos check the site;
In a few days I will post a new story about my bungee jumps last weekend!
tun-tuntuntun--- tedelutuntun-tuntuntuntun
Hey aladin!
good to know that there are even more countries on our plan ;P haha. you always suprise me :)
enjoy your last weeks there!
Beste Joost,
Fijn dat Linda eerder kan komen en dat jullie samen gaan trekken door al die landen. Geniet van je laaste week daar en we blijven je volgen via je blog.
groetjes Marijke
update? huh? huh?
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