For the people who are saying "I thought Joost went to South Africa for Humanitarian work and not only for holidays" I will dedicate this blogpost to my first 2 weeks of real working and of course to Surfing and Partying!
After 10 days of travelling through Lesotho and Swaziland our first humanitarian workday started.
Ok lets explain the project I choose for with 5 other fellow students. The following 7 weeks we are teaching about 30 teachers computer skills at a school in the township of Port Alfred. Two hours a day we teach how to work with windows, Word, Excel and some Internet. Our working day; we spend 2 or 3 hours in the morning preparing the lesson for that day. From 14:00 till 16:00 we have the class and at the end of the module we have to hand in a manual so they can eventually work more efficient and teach their students the skills they learned.
Our first week we wanted to find out what the level was of the teachers regarding computer skills. We created an exercise in word and excel; very basic like how to make something bolt, change font, insert a picture or table. This way we could distinguish who worked with Word or Excel before and the people who never did.
Patience is one of the key competences you have to have as what looks simple for us like selecting a word or sentence but for people who never touched a mouse before it can be quite a struggle. The week after we started our classes with basic Word. On monday and wednesday we have the beginners group and tuesday and thursday the more advanced group. The enthousiasm of these teachers in our class is amazing to see. The reactions when they manage to insert a photo without help of us is great to see and some are really fast learners. Other people will take ages to type a sentence but we give them extra attention in class.
We are with 6 in our project group and everything goes really smooth. No problems or discussions which is the case with some other project groups.
Ok now a dedication to my weekend experiences. On friday the 8th of May we (I and my harem of 13 girls) decided to go to Jeffreys Bay to surf. Rented some cars and drove for about 2 hours to one of the best surf spots on the planet. When arrived there were zero waves so we hoped that the lessons of tomorrow would bring us more luck. Checked in a nice hostel, played some volleyball and some frisbee (ofcourse!) For the loyal fans you might remember the post of last year "hitchhiking is getting easier and easier" of july 16 2008, where I got a frisbee injury, this was also the case today. During playing long distance frisbee I dove to a frisbee, hit the sand pretty hard a bruised my ribs. That night the pain was terrible; still enjoyed a nice party in the hostel. This party was called Cross dressing party which means all the guys had to wear girls clothes and all the girls guys clothes. These disturbing photos of joost in a dress, bra and makeup between all girls dressed up like guys I will spare untill I come back as these photos could be used against me ;)
I have never tried surfing before and it has been on my list for some time now, saturday morning a 2 hour lesson began. As my rib hurted like hell I wasn't able to stand, but on sunday we rented a board and wetsuit I performed better after taking a reasonable quantity of painkillers. Surfing rules and I will definetly want to become better in it. When back in Port Alfred I went to a doctor to check the status of my injury, after going to the hospital for xray photos to check if they were broken, the doctor said that they just were bruised and not broken and she gave me some strong painkillers.
Last weekend I decided to go to Hodgeback with a smaller group. Hans, Eva and Tim were my travel compagnions. This small village close to indigenous forests, mountains and waterfalls were recommended by various people and it's been said that Tolkien got his inspiration for the Lord of the Rings movies right here in this amazing place. The hostel we stayed in was called "Away with the Ferries" and at night we found out why. In the bushes around the hostel hundreds of fireflies made it look like ferries; stunning. At night we chilled at the fire near the bar on some couches with some beer, making conversations with fellow travellers. At 22:00 an english girl said to everybody that we had to take our shirts of at 22:30 as every friday it was 22:30 topless. What started with an nice housy feeling close to the fire ended up in everybody taking their shirts off incl the bardude (girls were still wearing their bra) dancing on the bar, loud good music, beer showers and having just an amazing insane time together. Yes people photo's have been taken and published on my photo site thanks to Hans the horny motherf......
A big hangover was the result the morning after but after resting in the garden for another hour with monkeys eating some berries a few metres away from us we got up and spend some hours hiking through the forrest and visiting a beautiful waterfall called Madonna and Child. Took some photos incl my famous Yippie-Ka-Jee photo shoot which I made as my Africa trade mark and many more will be taken the same way across the continent.
A nice relax weekend chilling with some nice folks was created.
At this moment we are developing some Excel exercises for our class today and thinking about what to do next weekend. This depends on my rib as in the morning it still hurts quite a bit but with medication it is ok as I want to do some bungee jumps (incl the highest one 216 meter;)) But this maybe has to wait for the weekend after.
And a small update of my accommodation here in Port Alfred; The first 2 weeks we stayed in a nice villa but then had to move to a house with 8 other guys. Nice house, big and a relax living room but in the last few weeks several laptops, camera, ipods were stolen from inside the house. An alarm system was installed 2 weeks ago but last weekend another laptop was stolen and ipod from a guy in our house. A window was smashed in and at the moment we have 24/7 security walking around our house. Also other houses of students were targetted and valuable stuff were stolen. Four guys incl me and Hans are leaving that house and the dean here is looking for another accommodation which is safer for our valuables. Still life is good here so don't worry to much.
For photos;
Hope everything is well.
greets joost
Heey Joost!
HOe gaat het met je rib? Vet dat je ook bent begonnen met surfen! Hoe meer zielen.. =)
Hier is alles goed.. stages gaan chill. Bijna tijd om naar de noordpool te gaan!
How you uh, how you comin' on that novel you're working on? Huh? Got a a big, uh, big stack of papers there? Got a, got a nice little story you're working on there? Your big novel you've been working on for three years? Huh? Got a, got a compelling protagonist? Yeah? Got a obstacle for him to overcome? Huh? Got a story brewing there? Working on, working on that for quite some time? Huh? Yeah, talking about that three years ago. Been working on that the whole time? Nice little narrative? Beginning, middle, and end? Some friends become enemies, some enemies become friends? At the end your main character is richer from the experience? Yeah? Yeah? No, no, you deserve some time off.
Hey man,
Love your crazy-ass stories, SWEET!
And how nice of you guys and galls that ya'll aint only learning the people of Afrika stuff, but also providing them with laptops and ipods. Charity ftw! Nice! :p
Hope to hear/see more soon.
Eerste versie van mns criptie bijijijijna klaar. :)
Ik ben trots op je Joost dat je je skills overdraagt aan mensen die het goed kunnen gebruiken!! Heel erg fokking netjes kerel! =)
What klote met je rib man! Maar wel vet lekker frisbee'en!
Ik ben blij dat je je zo goed vermaakt, je hebt nu al zo enthousiast gemaakt dat ik sowieso ook later een 'rondje' Afrika wil gaan doen :)
Heel veel plezier en hopelijk snelle beterschap van je kneuzing!
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