What a trip!! Added 2 more countries on my country list, and what kind of countries? The kingdoms of Lesotho and Swaziland; just amazing!!
Our trip started on friday 24th of April with 3 VW golfs, 10 students and 700 km infront of us the Mountain kingdom of Lesotho. Left pretty early and arrived just after dark at the border and then drove on bad roads and dirt roads through Malealea; a nice hostel like place in the middle of Lesotho. As it was night and the concept of streetlight is unknown in Lesotho, we didn't have any idea how the scenery looked like around our huts. The following day we were enlightened by the beauty of the mountains of more then 2000 meters high and heavy rains. Six of our group decided to do a horse ride through the mountains, I imagined that the day would bring only rain so the rest jumped in my car and crossed the country to enjoy spectacular views in the sun as the rain stopped pretty soon as we left. Lesotho is incredible, we heard from several that it looks like a big township and that it is not that special but I loved it. You do see allot of poverty and people with tored up clothes but many wave back when you drive by and the friendlyness of the Lesothie is just immens. Our second day we spent a short trip on horses to fully enjoy the beauty of the country, at night a nice band with homemade instruments filled our night with some good quality African music. 3 nights passed by and the decision for visiting the Dragonsmountain in the north-east of Lesotho on the South African side was easily made.
In 7 hours we drove in our VW golf parade around the northern border close to the Dragonsmountain range back in South Africa. Our backpackers lodge came with a nice swimming pool and a tap at the bar for drinks. Which did inevitable lead to a high amount at the end of my stay as the cocktails and beers tasted very good. The following day we decided to do a hike upto 31000 meters which took the whole day. After driving for 2 hours and hiking up hill for 3 hours we arrived at the Ampitheatre; a 5 km long edge with a 1 kilometer deep valley next to it. Just stunning!! Our next attraction was the second highest waterfall in the world. Sounds spectacular huh?, well.... the water did fell about 930 meters but the water that fell was less then an average small street flushes daily through their toilets. Still the view was again amazing.
Late in the afternoon we arrived back at our hostel where we had our last drinks with the group as tomorrow we wanted to split up; the 8 girls to the coast and Hans and I to Swaziland.
Another 700 km were ahead of us and our destination; Mlilwane Sanctuary a small wildlife park with a Backpackers inside. Early in the evening we arrived in a nice and quiet place which we called our home for the next 3 days.
The hostel was literally located inside a wildlife park and sometimes you saw wharthogs, antilopes and often an ostrich walking around at the site. Walking around the hostel to the main camp 10 minutes away brought you zebra, wildebeast, crocs, hippos, springboks etc. just from a few meters away; sweeett!
That day, queensday we heard about the car attack in NL; insane huh! Still had a few beers that day and just chilled out at the pool, enjoyed a nice meal cooked for us above the camp fire. In our days in the hostel we met many nice fellow travellers who had travelled for longer around Africa. Allot more nice countries wait for me after South Africa.
On friday the first of May it was workers day and as we heard a reggae festival was close by. First our objective of that day was to go to a National park where white and the rare black rhinos could be spotted but after all we went to the festival with another car of whities. In first place we thought that we would be the only white people at the festival but when arrived we saw that a wide variety of people filled the festival ground.
Beautifully located in a valley with pretty mountains around it, friendly people, good music and atmosphere, cheap beer, good cheap food and that all for 120 rand (10€) entrance.
After 6 hours Hans wanted to leave and eventually we left again in a big group to continue the party around the campfire at our hostel. Life was good so we choose to spend saturdays as well in Swaziland (our first plan was to drive another 700 km to Port St. John) that day was all about chilling out at the pool, drinking beer and enjoying other people's company.
Somewhere in the afternoon something amazing happened; as the ostrich was just walking around drinking abit from the pool she sat down next to the pool moved her head and.... layed a huge egg. I SHIT YOU ALL NOT. Check the photos.
Exchanged with many email adresses and spend the night again at the pingpong table and campfire. Sunday was driving day. As Hans has his driverslicence just 6 weeks I drove again the whole day. Left at 7 in the morning and hoped to be in Port Alfred at 19:00 for dinner. We miss calculated the distance and the combination with bad weather (heavy rain and mist) it took us 17 hours!! to get back. One hour stop incl. I hear a new record of driving 16 hours, 1400km in one day. ;) My bed in our villa felt so good that night, but what a week we had!!
For photo's check again: http://picasaweb.google.nl/jcopray
greets joost
Fijn om weer je reisverslag te lezen, bedankt ook voor de foto's.
Het is echt geweldig wat je daar allemaal meemaakt en om zo van dichtbij de dieren te zien die wij alleen kennen van de tv of dierentuin.
Succes met de computer cursus de aankomende weken.
xxx mam
eggdropping animals, and reggea partys, locals with own instruments. sounds amazing! but the most amazing thing is this 31000 meters high mountain. must be quiet a new one, beating the mount everest with his 8850m. you must have been so High (=D)
WTF Dude,
I thought an internship was about workin'and shit man. :D You just havin'a ball. Enjoy it though! It all sounds and looks amazing. Word.
Dajewwwww!! =)
Klinkt errug goed man! Een achterlijke struisvogel die zn ei legt op een plek waar die niet kan broeden, jullie hebben fokking veel geluk gehad, dit gebeurt eens in de drie miljard jaar! =D haha
En een reggae festival in L'Afrique: hoe gruwelijk kerel!!
Maar het allervetst lijkt mij die berglandschap, dat lijkt mij zo een mooie uitzicht! Ik ga snel je foto's bekijken!!
Heel veel plezier dude!!!! =)
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