Thuesday 24th of July
After watchıng the Ferry depart from the harbour of Barı, I had a good conversatıon with Ina (the Albanian girl I talked to at the busstop) about our studies, life ın Albanıa and travelling. After that night sleeping in a sort of comfort chair I woke up around 8 when the Ferry arrıved in Durres. Walking out I forgot to get my passport back and had to walk all the way back wıth my backpack to the reception through a bıg crowd of people waiting to get out.
Fınally out Ina was waıtıng for me at the entrance to Albania, she lives ın Tirane and hopping with her on the bus and her mother who was waiting for her it took us 30 mınutes to get to the capital. My first ımpressıon about Albania?; Well it's not a rıch country I can say. Allot of houses are being build, and there are quite some people begging for money but life is changing in Albania according to Ina. Ina studies in Rome, she returns back to Tirane a few times a year and everytime she notices new changes in her city.
With approval from her mom I was invited to her home to have a shower,some food and she wanted to show me her city
Tirane is not really a huge city, you can easily walk in a day from one side to the other, but because today is 42! degrees Celsius it's not very pleasant to walk all the time. Ina showed me the National museum and told me some interresting stuff about her country.
Heading back to her house she offered me some real good traditional food (bread;)), fresh milk,fruit and her father offered me some Grapi (strong alcohol) Had some good conversations with her father, sometimes with Ina translating, about the norms and values of Albanians. Ina and her family were so friendly and kind to me they really made my day in Albania unforgetable. Her dad even offered me to stay in their house. Got a real got impression about life here in Albania. Ina helped me to get a busticket to Skopje (capital of Macedonia) and took that bus at 18:00. I want to thank Ina and her family for her hospitality and friendlyness. The busride took about 9 hours and during that ride I had some nice conversations in German with some Turkish guys. Arriving around 3 oclock and buying my ticket to Istanbul for 42 euro departing at 4 oclock, I thought..... Already paid for my ticket and receiving it it said 16:00 oclock!! Had to f%$^ing wait for 13 hours, well hack! Shit Happens.
Slept for 3 hours on a metal bench and then watched for several hours people arriving and departing, writing in my journal and updating my blog in a internet cafe.
Finally 16:00...... Middle east here I come.
1 comment:
Ina and family, thanks a lot for the friendly welcome and hospitality you showed to our son Joost during his visit to your country Albania.
Parents Joost
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