On thursday the 19th I left Affoltern close to Zurich. Saying goodbye to Jorine my travel companion for the last 3 days, she will be travelling to Swiss for the summer.
At 8 o'clock I left Mariekes house and quickly I was picked up by a car to being dropped of at the highway 30 minutes later. Twice that morning I was standing at an entry of a highway where cars were driving at speeds of 100 km by me.
But miraculesly I ended up on the good road in the direction of Milano and could hitch at gas stations again. Got a ride from a Italian comediant which I found not that funny and got a ride from a dutch couple who were driving just close by Vada.
Got out, saw the sign for the camping Molino a Fuoco and started walking in 30 degrees celcius because I thought it was close by. After an hour walking Jelke called me and picked me up on the way.
Jelke is a good friend of mine who I travelled with to South America 2 years ago, he is guide at the camping and guides a group of 18 singles of all ages form 27 to 57. He does various excursions with them from mountain biking to city excursions to Pisa or Florence and changes groups per week. He arranged a good tent for me and I met other guides and a group of children entertainers (in dutch; animators) of an agency called Sun & Fun.
The next 4 days were time for relaxation. Swimming in the Mediteranian sea (which I haven't seen in more then 10 years) Playing frisbee and hanging out with the Sun & Funners, helping them with preparing a BBQ and a pastaparty for a group of single parents with children.
On saturday I went with the group to Florence because they had a seat free in the big tour bus. Florence is a nice city, big and full with tourists. Played some frisbee with Jelke in a park, walked around bought an italian flag for my bag and had a 3,5 euro icecream (which is a cheapest one because big ones are over 8 euro!) That night went to a nice club with a big group, the club was at the sea and part of it was outdoor. Allot of young 15 year old italians who hardly reach the 1,70 m but had a nice night.
The last day chilled at the sea playing frisbee, and watched the last night of the single-parent-group-children who performed some funny acts. On the photo added you see the group Sun&Funners singing a song.
Monday the 23th left early in the morning, said goodbye to Jelke and I was dropped of at an entrance to an highway to Grosetto, within no time I past Roma and Napoli sometimes in cars driving 180 km per hour. My last hitch was from an Italian who dropped me of at the good direction to Bari (the harbour with ferries to Albania/Greece/Croatia) even if that wasn't in his way and he bought me some food and drinks. Really kind. And he bought me a busticket from that gasstation to Faggio so I could take a train to Bari because he thought it would be hard to get to Bari in 1 day.
Last year during my eurotrip people said that it would be hard to hitchhike through Italia but I find it really easy actually. Even when the driver doesn't speak english I can still make small conversations with them talking with hands.
Took the bus and then later the train at 19:00 to Bari. Took a bus to the harbour and started to talk to an Albanian girl who wanted to take the ferry to Albania.
First my plan was to try to find a truck and hitchhike to Albania on the ferry by truck. But after travelling a whole day I decided to buy a 70 euro seat for the ferry who left at midnight from Bari, Italia to Durres in Albania.
Had a nice comfy seat to sleep in.(At the moment I'm in Skopje, Macedonia waiting now for almost 12 hours for my bus to Istanbul when I'm there I will write more about my trip through Ambania)
Joost, fijn dat je weer kan bloggen.Het is leuk om je reisverslagen te lezen en zo blijven we op de hoogte van je reis naar het Midden Oosten.Liefs en veel succes met het liften door Turkije.
I read more about your trip, you are really special and I'm so happy to meet you,
Ina (albania)
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