Sunday, July 02, 2006

And why have I never tried to hitchhike before?

Køpenhavn is great, I never expected to be here so quick, within 17 hours! from Groningen. Hitchhiking rulez. I left Groningen around 13 oclock, intensely wanted to leave before 10 in the morning but I still had to pack allot.
After still having an extreme lack of sleep because of all the short nights of the last week. (nights studying before my test on wednesdays and goodbye parties after the tests) After waiting for an hour a woman stopped and pointed out that I was in the complete wrong direction if I was planning to go to Hamburg, so she brought me to another hitchhike spot in Groningen. Around 15 oclock 2 dutch speaking german girls picked me up and they said that they were heading to Meppen. So where the hell is Meppen, I thought, but jumped in and left in the direction of Germany.
Dropped at a parking space and was eventually picked up by a russian guy from Kazackstan (this probably because it was 17 oclock, just when the German football game was on) After a short ride to a Rastäte where allot of trucks were standing I waited for 2 hours till the game would finish and a german girl started talking to me. During the extra time I thought I never would be picked up because if Germany would lose everybody would be so sad that they wouldn't want to pick up a hitchhiker.
Eventually a dutch truck came and the driver noticed that the girl was hitchhiking, after talking to the driver that only I was trying to get to Hamburg he eventually decided to take me with him. My plan was to get to Hamburg to visit Tanja, but because I would arrive after 23 oclock in Hamburg and that the truck was heading to Kopenhavn I decided to ride with 'Sjaak' the dutch driver to the capital of Danmark.
Listening to some interresting stories in the life of a trucker and a few times a rockclassic cd with formula one sounds between the songs, we arrived at the ferry between Germany and Denmark around 1 oclock at night. I didn't have to pay for the ferry ticket which was nice of him and after sleeping for a few hours (still really tired) we arrived in the middle of the centre at 7 oclock. I smsed Helle and she picked me up and brought me to her home. I met Helle in Bolivia and worked with her in the animal refuge for 2 weeks, she told me that I could stay in her house the time that I stayed in Kopenhavn. Really nice to meet her again after a year.
That day we walked through the city and stayed in the park in the afternoon together with Maris a brazilian friend of her which just arrived the day before. Later that night we went out with another danish girl. Experienced the nice but expensive danish night life. 5 to 7 euro's for a beer. The next day we went to Christiania a small 'sort of' town located in the city. Sort of hippy community with a real nice atmosphere and beautifull houses (made by the people who live there themself)
Tomorrow or the day after I'm planning to hitchike to another place in Denmark and visit a friend I met in Australia or I will be going to Sweden and visit some friends I met in New Zealand.
Hitchhiking is really cool, sometimes you wait for a few hours and you think why the hell did I start this nonsens. But eventually you will reach your destination and in the way you meet all kinds of interesting people and it doesn't cost anything.
So I can really recommend it.
Well guys, hope you are not borred yet with my stories, I'm planning to post my next one within a week when I arrive in Stockholm.

Farvel (goodbye in Dansk)


Anonymous said...

I see the force is strong in this one... You lucky fucker! Sometimes I think the only reason that you travel is to piss me off. :p Serious bro, good to hear from you! And that everything is going very, VERY fine at the moment. Keep posting your stuff man, because Freak and I were just discussing: "Where is joost? Will he alread be past Nieuweschans?" "Hahaha, dunno man, lets check the blog."...... and see here... already in Scnadi-freakin-navia! Keep it up bro!

Anonymous said...

Hi Joost, enjoy the North and the near East! When I was young [some 30 plus years ago] I travelled by train and ferry, but missed out on Finland, a country and a capital I still want to see. Alas my scootmobile has not such a long reach. I'm sure you make alot of new friends on the way, just as you did traveling the Southern Hemisphere.

Els said...

Hi Joost,
It seems you are doing fine and I am glad you shared your holiday adventures and whereabouts with all of us who care. Enjoy your trip way up North and take care.
Thanks for the update and email.

Anonymous said...

hey kerl, gaat lekker zo als ik het allemaal goed lees, of niet dan? (nog geschommeld trouwens??P)
