So already another week has been passed. At the moment I'm in Berlin staying at Tine's place in the heart of beautifull Berlin. Tine is not in, she went to her parents place in the south of Germany to work on her school paper. But she said that I could stay in her room as long as I'm in Berlin; really cool. I didn't expect to be back in Germany within 2 weeks but I had a very special reason; The Love Parade! Only a few days ago i heard that the Love Parade would be back in Berlin at that moment I was in Vilnius, Lithuania so I decided to go and visit Tine and party hard.
On sunday the 9th of July I took a bus with Ian to go to Vilnius, as we arrived at the hostel which Ian booked there were no more beds for me so I stayed the night in a different hostel. Met 3 ozzies and went with them and a canadian girl to a bar to see the Worldcup finale between France and Italy.
Next day I went back to Ian's hostel payed for 2 nights and visited with a group of 5 others the famous Trakai castle just outside Vilnius, a castle surrounded by water. Really nice but everything was restored and looked pretty new. Played some frisbee and visited a torture museum. That night went to the same bar as the day before and had a beer with the group.On thuesday visited some interesting sites in Vilnius with the same guys, (Ian & Ian, Sebastian and Liam) A big church, a castle with an amazing view over the city, the Frank Zappa statue and the KGB museum. Unfortanetly I nticed that they had one of the highest bungee jump sites of Europe in Vilnius from the TV tower, 168 meters, but you could only jump in the weekends. Really shit, well another reason to come back right?
After a few days spending in the baltics and learning things about the history of the soviet era , you really notice that the Russians weren't that nice in the time they 'owned' the surrounding countries. They killed allot of people in the time after WWII.Vilnius is a great city, bigger then the other Baltic capitals, so I decided to stay a few days here.
I noticed that there are allot of really expensive cars in the Baltics; Jaquars, Lexus, BMW's and have to say it again allot of pretty girls, the same as in Sweden.The day after we (me and Ian) bought a ticket for the night bus to Warsaw, Poland. That day visited a smal place just outside the capital called Paneriai.
In the second worldwar the nazis killed 70.000 jews here and burried and burned the bodies in huge massgraves. Very touching and frightning to see what 'people' are capable of doing to each other.
Later that day played some card games and left to the bus at 22:00 o'clock for a 7 hour ride to the capital of Poland.We arrived with an australian girl Trisia around 5 in the morning, went to an hostel checked in and had a free breakfest. Bought a dayticket for the tram for less then a euro and visited a palace, climped a tower and visited a museum about Warsaw (Warsaw was destroyed for 85% in the war) Saw a short movie about the life in Warsaw before and after the war.
Went back to the hostel had some good cheap Kebab and watched the movie 'Being John Malkowich' on the beamer in the hostel.
The following morning said goodbye to Ian and Trisia and left Warsaw at 11:25 by train to Berlin. A few days ago I heard that The Love Parade would be back in Berlin on saturday the 15th. Because I was just sort of in the neighbourhood I left to Berlin to visit Tine, a friend I met in Cambodja.
Tine was already waiting for me at the station at 18:00 o'clock, it was good to see her again. She lives real close to the station and that night we went out to Friedrichshain (a real nice area in the big city of Berlin where allot of bars and clubs are located. Had a beer near the river the Spree at a beachbar next to the Berlin Wall.
The next morning Tine left early to her parents house and she planned to stay there for a week. I could stay in her room and borrow her bike for the time I attended to stay in Berlin.
Around 15:00 o'clock I left by foot to the Love Parade wich was only 15 minutes from the place where Tine lives.
I have never seen so many people in one location before. Dozens of trucks with DJ's on top driving around in the crowd and people dancing around it. Saw DJ Tiesto, ATB and Paul van Dyk and many other heroes of mine. I can deffinetly recommend it to everybody who love House music, and I am thinking about going every year to this amazing event.
Had a great time, met allot of nice people and allot of Dutchies. The dutchies you can easily recognise in the crowd and you just say 'Goed Volk?' and you have another good conversation.
At 23:00 o'clock the Parade stopped and everybody went to the after parties. I called some german guys I met earliers and met up with them hours later (big city and a huge tram system). Went to a club called Cassiopia which had 4 rooms with different kinds of music, got there at 4 and left at 7 o'clock in the morning.
Went home and slept till 17:00 o'clock the next day. Sunday didn't do much and later in the evening went out to have a beer with the room mates of Tine; Anja and Maria and checked the price to get to Prague at the trainstation. 44 Euro for a 5 hour ride, I decided to go and hitchhike to Prague on Wednesday to save some money because I spended around 60 euro at the LoveParade.
Berlin is a really cool city, nice people, allot of things to do and relatively cheap (food and hostel accomodation) for a capital in West Europe. And my german is improving I never thought that I could understand so much and even speak some basic german. People appreciate it if you speak the language in there country, I had the same when I was staying in Poland. I carry a phrasebook of eastern europe so I can look up some words to use.
My plans for the next 2 days is to visit some sites and museums in Berlin by bike, nice and cheap compared to pay 2,10 euro everytime for the subway or train.
Wednesday I'm heading to Chech republic and then Krakow, Poland then probably Budapest and the direction of the Ukraine, maybe even do some charity work for a week or 2 in Romania but have to see about that.
Hope you are all well.
Hallo, grüß Dich!
Na, wie gehts?
... hey, I am glad you have such a great time in Berlin...too bad I cannot be there, but the final thesis has to be turned in and soon I will be free to party again!!!!!!
Enjoy your further trip and you know you can always stop by in the house of girls in Berlin...take good care
Nice pictures, yessssss, I like.
Hi Joost, it is great to read your travelling adventures.Thanks for the update of your Eastern journey and the pics.
Berlin rules !!! I enjoyed the Love Parade too ! People are wonderful, music is wonderful, and the place is great !!!
You all have to go there at least one time in your life !!!
Etienne from Cracow
Hey joost,
I never believed you would get this far (and long time away) with such a small amount of money. Hail! I must give you that. Great to read that you've been to some places I have been too. It sure brings up some nice memories with me. I really envy you for the Love Parade! I hope you will get to the Ukraine because I sure would like to go there also next year. For now it is only doing the dishes at the MZH in Groningen.. I hope you will have a lot of more fun these coming weeks!
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