Already back in my old room in Groningen for 2 weeks now after almost an amazing year in Afrique, lived for 3 months in South Africa and 6 months in Kenya and travelling through 10 countries in Southern and Eastern Africa.
What a year it was! A perfect combination of studying, working and travelling.
My last post dates back more then 2 months so time to tell y'all how my last 2 months were in Kenya and Uganda.
The last 2 weeks of our internship in Mago in the beginning of February were about rounding off the tasks we were working on. The basketball court I raised funds for got finished finally after a delay of several weeks and costing almost triple the amount that we expected, but the foundation helped allot and soon I will send the final photos to the sponsors.
Before we arrived in Nairobi we wanted to spend some more time in Kenya's nature parks, 2 days at the hotsprings of Lake Bogoria and 2 days in the extreme luxurious Crater lake resort this all for very affordable prices thanks to our connections.
As planned my friend Noud arrived on the 11th of February and Linda left the 14th after spending an amazing 8 months together in Africa, but she felt she had enough and wanted to go home. This gave me time to travel to Uganda with Noud hopefully time enough to sell the car. With Noud we drove back to my internship to get some stuff and to change the brake pads of Beast. Left for Uganda on the 17th just a day before my Kenya visa expired and we took Robin a French guy we met in Nairobi with us. On the way to Jinja we met a guy on a bike who knew Noud from school years back, what a coincidence that was. Spending a few days in Jinja we decided to go to Kampala for some serious partying with 2 Israeli girls and with the 5 of us (me, Noud, Robin, Orit and Shoshi) we spend travelling a week first to Murchison falls in the north and then to the crater lakes in the west of the country. Saw the mighty Murchison falls, chimpanzees and had a great time experiencing Uganda.
In western Uganda we decided to travel with the 2 of us again heading south to Kabale and Kisoro. In beautiful Kisoro with many high vulcanos on the background I wanted to see the rare mountain Gorillas on the border with Rwanda and Congo, you are allowed to spend an hour with these huge creatures and after searching for them in the jungle we found them within 2 hours. It was an amazing and unique experience to watch these human like animals just a few meters from us. Costs: a shocking 500 US Dollar!! but hee how often am I in Uganda and the costs to see these animals are raising every year. Back in Kabale I felt a bit feverish and slept bad and as I expected: Malaria got me! finally after spending 8 months in Malaria country they had me. Did a test at the doctor got some pills and in 3 days of feeling bit weak I was better. In the meantime of the last few weeks I kept in contact with an Australian guy I met who was interested in buying Beast. On the way back to Kampala (skipping Rwanda unfortunately because of time) we met with the 3 Australian guys who were heading down to Cape Town and got enough of travelling by public means. We partied a night and discussed the price I wanted for it; 6500 US dollar, 1000 dollar more then we bought it for but we did have spend some money on maintenance and camping gear. As they were on a tight budget we agreed in a contract on a 2 term payment, the 2nd payment done by them when they sell it in June. Maybe not the smartest decision but as I trust them, and Beast is going back home to Cape Town and for the money I wanted for it, it was the best solution. Felt sad when my old companion who never let us down drove away out of sight in this small city of southern Uganda.
Noud and I were now depending on public transport to Kampala (my first bus in Africa in almost a year) arriving in Kampala Backpackers (serious partying again) we met with an old friend from Nairobi; Heron and with him and Melina a girl from Canada we wanted to spend some time on one of Uganda's islands. 4 Days of perfect weather on a perfect spot near the lake we relaxed, drank, smoked and got seriously burned while playing Frisbee. Ooh and I caught 2 fish with my hands leaving fisherman friend Noud in silence. Not all perfect but shit happens... my camera got stolen with all my gorilla photos on the camp site blameable on my laziness. (Got some photos of the same Gorillas of a friend who saw them a few days after me) On our way back to Kampala (yeah ofcourse serious partying again!) and Jinja Noud's camera got stolen from him on the street and Melina's camera a few days later so very few pictures remained of the last week in Uganda. Travelling through Uganda with Noud was perfect and we met many nice travellers on the way.
On monday the 15th of March we crossed back into Kenya to my internship place and from there on the next day straight to Nairobi for a 5 day exhibition for promoting the guesthouse. Noud left the 18th and my flight was the 23rd back to Dusseldorf, Germany and then Holland, back to see my Linda, my friends and my family.
What a RIDE it was!!! One year in Africa.... and a more perfect year I couldn't have imagined. I had no expectations of this dark continent before I came which is the way to do it. I learned allot about life here, poverty, people, problems, nature and wildlife, met amazing people and grew so much thanks to my internship with Linda which will help allot in the near future. Africa is truly amazing and if you're ready; Do IT.
Thanks everybody for your posts and following my adventures.
For more photos and many videos check;
Some people asked me already "Hey Joost where are you going next?" uhm no idea yet first spend this summer, my first summer in NL in 6 years, in Groningen with my friends and then the world is open again.
Nice stukje Joost!
Heerlijk hoe enthousiast je jouw verhalen vertelt!
Mooi dat je (net zoals in de backpackers cultuur) zo snel vrienden maakt.
Ik zie je vanavond.
Hoi Joost. Leuk weer even de laatste avonturen te lezen. Fijn dat je weer in Nederland bent. We komen binnenkort naar Groningen om alles nog eens van jezelf te horen.
groetjes uit Amsterdam
Condivido pienamente il suo punto di vista. In questo nulla in vi e credo che questa sia un'ottima idea. Sono d'accordo con te.
Condivido pienamente il suo punto di vista. Mi piace questa idea, sono pienamente d'accordo con te.
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