Hello from sunny South Africa,
First of all, thanks for your reactions on my last post. So now you all must be wondering how life is in Port Alfred, the small town where my campus is located.
I flew last Friday the 10th of April after spending 2 nice days with my chica in Germany. After saying goodbye to my parents, brother and Linda my yearly trip to Africa began... YEAH!!!!
My flight mates of tourism were Sabrina, Lidwine and Daphne; 3 of the 30 students doing the same module as I. First a short flight at 16:40 to London Heathrow, waited 2 hours and then a long 11 hour flight to Cape Town, South Africa.
Bit of turbulence during a thunder storm in the middle of the night, but still slept a bit. No problem at customs and quickly arranged the car we booked. After some double espressos our 2 day road trip started to Port Alfred 800km further. Had to get use of driving on the left again especially with 3 hours sleep last night. The first impression of the landscape; very diverse and beautiful. In some cities the slums were visible from the road and a strange image in comparison with the huge houses of the white population with big fences and security.
Sabrina booked a hostel at mosselbay about 300 km east of Cape town so that was our destination before nightfall. On the way we looked for a bay where penguins were spotted so our first stop was there.
After a good night sleep and a good dinner at sea the night before. we continued another 500 km to Port Alfred. As we booked the car for 2 days we didn't see much the first 2 days in Africa but hey... I will be a year on the continent so no hurry.
Arrived on Sunday in the evening, and many of the students arrived around the same time. My roomy for the next 10 weeks Hans was already on the campus and we got our accommodation pointed out to us for at least the first 2 weeks. And you might not believe it but we are staying in a huge white villa with swimming pool and everything, this is because they have to many students to place on the campus so many are scattered in a walking distance of 10 minutes from the campus where we get breakfast,lunch and dinner every day. Easter Monday was spend doing not much; laying on the beach and meeting some of the about 180 students on the campus.
The campus is located about 10 minutes walk from the beach and 15 from the center. It is safe here around the campus and there is security driving around at night still you have to be careful that you have to lock everything when you leave. Since I arrived here a house with students was robbed twice because they didn't lock it properly. And at night you can't walk back to your house alone, always with 3 or 4 persons. This gives a bit of a strange feeling, but I will get used to it.
This week is an introduction week with some lectures and tours through out the city and campus. This also included a tour through the township of NeMaTo and an evening in a bar there. This was an amazing experience, such a difference with the western world. The people's lives are so much different, it is heart breaking to see the poverty and unemployment of these areas. The following weeks I will tell more about it, when I am in working at a school in the township with 5 other students on a really interesting project.
This weekend we (the whole group of 30 students) will go to my first National Park in Africa. We rented 6 cars for 3 days and we will do a tour this afternoon hoping to see the Big 5. And i have already plans for the holidays the week after to go to Lesotho and Swasiland.
Sorry for not posting some pictures yet but my adapter of my laptop blow up when i connected it. My laptop is OK and I will buy a new adapter this week so photos will come soon.
Have to go now. Hope you are all fine.
Greets Joost
hello mate!!!!!!!!!
Sound wicked - how long are you staying out there- for a year!? Amazing.
I'm going to exist festival in serbia- not quite as rock & roll!!
go Joost, Go!
Makkie takkie.
yo joost,
Keep well in Africa,
DaJewwwwww!! =)
Aan de ene kant klinkt het fantastisch man, heel andere atmosfeer en cultuur en leefomstandigheden, toch ook lekkere luxe van mooie huizen en zee en zwembad en een safari voor de Big5 (HOE VET IS DAT!!!)
Maar aan de andere kant kan ik me helemaal voorstellen wat je denkt en voelt als je de armoede ziet :(
Het voordeel dat je nog vastberadener wordt om door te gaan met wat je doet!!
Met mij gaat het ook goed, van één tentamen heb ik uitslag binnen: een freakinnn 9!!!! =))) De andere tentamen zal lang niet zo hoog zijn, misschien zelf onvoldoende, ik krijg binnenkort resultaat binnen. Voor de rest gaat het picobello, weer begonnen met sporten en Rudaw (mn nieuws & opinie website) gaat ook errug goed!!
Ow en we hebben onze eerste Green Friday zonder jou gehouden bij Erique, we misten je enorm kerel, we hebben het vuur voor je aangestoken ;-) EN we hebben een gruwelijke nieuwe Green Friday game :) een spel waar je allemaal mini-games tegen elkaar doet! =)
Veeeeeeeeel plezier kerel en ik hoop dat je de BIG5 tegen zult komen!!
Greetz Dali
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